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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Pre-Day 2 (SacAnime)

Hello my beautiful peeps!

Right now it’s 8:17 AM and I am STARVING!!!! UGH!! Alissa isn’t getting up which means no WAFFLES!!! T.T I wantz some waffles…. Anyway on a happier note, we are going to SacAnime again today (Saturday) and I might be dressing up as Lolita. “Shhhh tummy I know your hungry but it must wait!!!” That is how I talk to my tummy. Crazy right??


Day 1 (SacAnime)

Wazzup ma’ Peeps?!?
I just got back from SacAnime and it was… AMAZING!!!

Today (Friday) was just so fun, not in doing thing fan way but as in seeing so much cosplay in one area. I cosplayed as L from Death Note, I wanted to do Beyond Birthday but I don’t think my mom would like me getting ketchup all over my new white shirt. Then after SacAnime we went to Cosco to get some pizza. IT WAS HUGE!!!!!! Anyways I might be doing a Lolita cosplay tomorrow…
Who knows.
